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Golden Rules Donations


Donate Online - If you would like to make a one off or regular monthly payment to Rokpa Trust Holy Isle please use the Paypal Donate button in the top right corner of our website.

You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal to donate, use the "Donate with a Card" option at the bottom of the entry screen.

Set up a Standing Order - As well as being able to make a monthly payment using Paypal you can set up a standing order with us to make regular donations to the Holy Isle Project.

Cheques, payable to Rokpa Trust - Holy Island Project, can be sent to:

Holy Isle Reception
Isle of Arran
KA27 8GB

To find out more please email the Holy Isle office  or by telephone on +44(0)1770 601100

The Holy Isle Project is a part of Rokpa Trust which is a registered charity in England & Wales (1059293) and in Scotland (SCO38628)

Due to the nature of the charity all donations are non-refundable, except in the instance of duplicate payment taken in error.