Back to the Beginnings
25 April 2025 - 29 April 2025
Leader: Stephan Storm
Cost Information: Course fee: Donation to cover Stephan's travel costs (min. £50)
Accommodation cost: £264 single room, £392 for two people sharing a twin, £148 dorm. Full board and lodging costs.
Course outline
The Tara Rokpa process gives one the chance to understand how we are trapped in our negative emotions and projections. We go through a process of remembering and assessing our life. This seems like looking backward, or even moving backwards, but the contrary is true. Only if we face who we are and be honest, then we can free ourselves from our suffering can also be useful for others. During the workshop one will gain an overview of the whole Tara Rokpa process and the different skilful means to work with one's mind, like relaxation, meditation, remembering through writing, artwork, massage, different views how to work with one's mind.
The book called 'Taming the Tiger' by Akong Rinpoche is the suggested literature for the course.
Further information and bookings
Stephan asks for a donation to cover his travel arrangements of at least £50 cash
Click Book Now in the sidebar, select 4 nights from 25 - 29 June