Ani Palden Zangmo

Ani Palden first came to Samye Ling in 1982 to meet Akong Rinpoche, whom she took guidance from throughout her life. Later on she met Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, after he came out of retreat. Her earlier working background was in youth work, childcare and then a children’s home. She studied Art Therapy then worked in various hostels for young people with disabilities affiliated to the Rudolf Steiner organisation in Edinburgh. Ani Palden went to work as a volunteer in Akong Rinpoche’s Therapeutic Community for people with mental health problems, when it started in 1989. After the initial early years there, she became the Deputy Manager. During her time at Lothlorien she completed the Tara Rokpa Psychotherapy training, becoming one of Akong Rinpoche’s Therapists. Akong Rinpoche was very involved with the training and took great interest in the progress of the training and in all those involved. In addition both Akong Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe Rinpoche gave continued guidance to those involved with Lothlorien. Ani Palden worked at Lothlorien for 21 years and about 14 years as a private Psychotherapist and with groups undergoing the Tara Therapy process in the UK and abroad. She entered the Women’s group Retreat on Holy Isle in 2010 under the instruction of Drupon Rinpoche. In 2017 she went into another women’s Retreat on Holy Isle. She is now Caretaker to the retreat.