The Sparkling Stone
26 August 2023 - 02 September 2023
Leader: Julienne McLean, Rev'd Michael Gartland, Judy Barker
Cost Information: £420 single room, £308 per person in a twin, £238 dorm. Costs cover full board and lodging.
Course fee £75, payable direct to Julienne, details below.
Course outline
The focus of the retreat will be reflecting on the seven enigmatic ‘I Am’ sayings of Jesus in the fourth Gospel of John, through the spiritual teachings of St Isaac of Nineveh (7thC Syrian), Jan van Ruysbroeck (14thC Flemish mystic) and St Teresa of Avila (16thC Spanish Carmelite) amongst others.
Each day we will meet for silent prayer, Holy Communion, creative liturgy, lectio divina, chanting and spiritual conversation around Christian mystical writings that illuminate the deepest call on our life. There will be opportunities for conscious work ('karma yoga') in the Centre and the garden, walking meditation and a pilgrimage to the cave of St Molaise.
For further information check the retreat flyer HERE
The retreat fee is £75, payable directly to Julienne McLean. For all enquiries and reservations for the retreat, please contact Julienne:
Email juliennemclean@btinternet.com
Phone 020 8 451 5255, 07527 993696
Booking Accommodation
There is single, twin room and dormitory accommodation available. Once you have reserved your accommodation through Julienne, she will then contact Holy Isle to book your room. Payment for accommodation will be made to the Centre upon arrival on Holy Isle.